

Install MIDAS2

The fastest way to install all the dependencies MIDAS2 needed is install from YAML file (midas2.yaml) using Conda.

On a Linux machine, download a copy of the test data from our GitHub repository release.

$ wget https://github.com/czbiohub/MIDAS2/releases/download/v1.0.0/tests.tar.gz
$ tar -zxf tests.tar.gz
$ cd tests

Install the dependencies.

$ conda env create -n midas2 -f midas2.yml
$ conda activate midas2
$ cpanm Bio::SearchIO::hmmer --force # Temporary fix for Prokka

Install MIDAS2.

$ pip install midas2

Alternative installation procedures are also described elsewhere.

Example Data

Assuming you’re in the tests/ directory you just cd-ed to, two single-end gzipped FASTQ files are in the folder tests/reads. If not, navigate to the tests directory

$ cd tests

Pre-download SCG Genes

Download the universal single copy genes for MIDAS Reference Database (MIDAS DB) of uhgg to a new subfolder called my_midasdb_uhgg

$ midas2 database --init --midasdb_name uhgg --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg

Identify Abundant Species

We’ll start by searching for reads that align to single-copy, taxonomic marker genes in order to identify abundant species in each sample.

for sample_name in sample1 sample2
  midas2 run_species \
      --sample_name ${sample_name} \
      -1 reads/${sample_name}_R1.fastq.gz \
      --midasdb_name uhgg \
      --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
      --num_cores 4 \

Single-nucleotide Variant Analysis

Identify SNVs in Each Sample

We’ll next run the single-sample SNV analysis for each sample.

for sample_name in sample1 sample2
  midas2 run_snps \
    --sample_name ${sample_name} \
    -1 reads/${sample_name}_R1.fastq.gz \
    --midasdb_name uhgg \
    --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
    --num_cores 4 \

The pileup summary for sample1 is written to midas2_output/sample1/snps/snps_summary.tsv. This file summarizes the read mapping and pileup results for each of the abundant species determined in the previous step. By default, species are selected based on the filter: median_marker_coverage > 2. More details about abundant species selection can be found here.

Compute Population SNVs across multiple samples

In order to compute population SNV from multiple single-sample pileup results, we first need to construct a tab-separated sample manifest file: list_of_samples.tsv.

This file has a column for the sample_name and another for midas_output, and it is required for multi-sample analyses.

echo -e "sample_name\tmidas_outdir" > list_of_samples.tsv
ls reads | awk -F '_' '{print $1}' | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1, "midas2_output"}' >> list_of_samples.tsv

We can take a look at the list_of_samples.tsv:

cat list_of_samples.tsv
sample_name   midas_outdir
sample1       midas2_output
sample2       midas2_output

Based on this output, we can run merge_snps and MIDAS2 will know to look at midas2_output/sample1/snps/snps_summary.tsv for the run_snps output from sample1.

Now we are ready to compute the population SNVs across these two samples:

midas2 merge_snps \
  --samples_list list_of_samples.tsv \
  --midasdb_name uhgg \
  --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
  --genome_coverage 0.7 \
  --num_cores 4 \

Users may be interested in the contents of the file midas2_output/merge/snps_summary.tsv written in this step.

cat midas2_output/merge/snps_summary.tsv
sample_name   species_id      genome_length   covered_bases   total_depth     aligned_reads   mapped_reads    fraction_covered        mean_coverage
sample1       102454  2762447 2322823 15271923        145639  131992  0.841   6.575
sample2       102454  2762447 2322823 15270765        145639  131982  0.841   6.574

Other output files and the full output directory structure can be found at Output Files and Directory Layout.

Gene Copy-Number Variant Analysis

Identify CNVs in Each Sample

Since building bowtie2 indexes for the species pangenomes takes a long time, we first build the bowtie2 indexes for one species (102454) to a new subfolder bt2_indexes/:

midas2 build_bowtie2db \
  --midasdb_name uhgg --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
  --species_list 102454 \
  --bt2_indexes_name pangenomes \
  --bt2_indexes_dir bt2_indexes \
  --num_cores 4

More information about building your own bowtie2 indexes for either representative genome (repgenome) or pangenome can found here.

Now we can run the single-sample CNV analysis for each sample with the existing bowtie2 indexes. The pileup summary for sample1 will be generated under the directory midas2_output/sample1/genes/genes_summary.tsv.

for sample_name in sample1 sample2
  midas2 run_genes \
    --sample_name ${sample_name} \
    -1 reads/${sample_name}_R1.fastq.gz \
    --midasdb_name uhgg \
    --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
    --prebuilt_bowtie2_indexes bt2_indexes/pangenomes \
    --prebuilt_bowtie2_species bt2_indexes/pangenomes.species \
    --num_cores 4 \

Compile CNVs across multiple samples

Same with the population SNV analysis, multi-sample CNV analysis also requires a tab-separated sample manifest file.

We can then merge the per-sample CNV results:

midas2 merge_genes \
  --samples_list list_of_samples.tsv \
  --midasdb_name uhgg \
  --midasdb_dir my_midasdb_uhgg \
  --num_cores 4 \

Users may be interested in the contents of the file midas2_output/merge/genes_summary.tsv written in this step.

cat midas2_output/merge/genes_summary.tsv
sample_name   species_id      pangenome_size  covered_genes   fraction_covered        mean_coverage   aligned_reads   mapped_reads    marker_coverage
sample1       102454  129140  4004    0.031   3.495   162476  28611   3.410
sample2       102454  129140  4199    0.033   3.603   169286  34908   3.410

Other output files and the full output directory structure can be found at Output Files and Directory Layout.